Thursday, December 31, 2009

Stretch Marks And Skin Changes In Pregnancy

There are countless physical changes to your skin, both pleasurable and painful attributed to your pregnancy only.

The common skin change that most pregnant woman experience is the stretch marks. Stretch marks are separations of the outer layers of skin caused by the overstretching of underlying layers.

Beside pregnant women, stretch marks are found on children who are obese, adolescents who have a sudden growth spurt during puberty and athletes and body builders who do constant exercises. The most commonly affected areas by stretch marks are hips, abdomen, breasts, thighs and buttocks. Stretch marks are itchy reddish marks.

In pregnancy, heredity plays an important role in determining who will have and will not have stretch marks. If your mother has had them, chances are that you will get them too, unless you were born with stretchy skin. There is no sure shot remedy for stretch marks as mostly they fade after delivery. The only way to avoid stretch marks is to prevent them. We recommend the following –

- Massage vitamin E or olive oil on the abdomen areas from the start of your pregnancy. Massage it liberally over the marks after a shower. Incase you skip a shower, clean the area with a wet cloth and then apply the oil.

- Regular exercise helps to tone your muscles and keep your skin firm.

- Maintain healthy diet and drink plenty of water. Plenty of proteins and vitamin C & E foods should be included in your diet. Increase your intake of minerals such as zinc and silica to maintain healthy skin.

- One ounce of sweet almond or jojoba oil with 7-8 drops of lavender and chamomile oils is a good homemade recipe.

- Avoid excessive weight gain in a short time span.

- Cocoa butter reduces stretch marks and helps to keep the skin supple.

- Wear a glove and massage your skin to increase circulation.

- While massaging your body with body oil, add coconut and almond oil. Daily massage with Olive oil, flaxseed oil, cod liver oil or vitamin E oil after shower or before sleeping is an excellent home remedy for either preventing or treating stretch marks.

- To avoid stretch marks around breasts, wear a supportive maternity bra.

- To make stretch mark cream, mix 1/2 cup cocoa butter, 1 tsp wheat germ oil, 1 tsp apricot kernel oil, vitamin E oil and 2 tsp grated beeswax. Heat the mixture until cocoa butter and beeswax melt, stir well and store in air tight conditioner.

READ MORE - Stretch Marks And Skin Changes In Pregnancy

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Pain Relief During Childbirth

Giving birth is rightly regarded as an extremely uncomfortable and painful experience for many mothers, and while for some women labor goes quickly and relatively easily, for others it can turn into a real ordeal. Where our grandmothers had to go through the pain barrier more or less unaided, there are quite a few options available for todays pregnant women that can lessen or even completely remove the pain, allowing the joyfulness of giving birth a much greater chance to be appreciated.

- Birthing Pool

Being in water during the early stages of labor can greatly relieve the contraction pains in some women, as the bouyancy takes some of the pressure off the muscles of the lower back. Some women prefer to stay in the water right through to the later stages of labor, and some even choose to complete the birth in a birthing pool.

Birthing pools have become increasingly popular in recent years, as they are seen as a natural way of reducing pain, in line with today's widespread preference for keeping things simple and as close to nature as possible.


A TENS machine is a small electronic device which you attach to your lower back with electrode pads. The machine passes a very slight electric current through the pads, which is intended to interfere with the pain signals, reducing the extent of the discomfort. The level of current can usually be increased during contractions, and then lowered back down as the pain subsides again. Some women find TENS machines to be highly effective, while for others the effect is minimal. The devices can usually be hired from the hospital, but are relatively cheap to buy yourself if you want to be sure that one will be available.

- Gas and Air

This is also known as entonox, and is a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen that is breathed in via a pipe whenever the mother-to-be feels the need. It is a very light method of pain relief, and is enough on it's own for some women, especially in straightforward births. The effect is more of a distraction from the pain than an actual reduction, but doesn't feature the drawbacks of the two more heavy-duty pain relief drugs below.

- Epidural

An epidural is an injection of pain relief drugs direct into the lumbar region, and is extremely effective at blocking pain. The initial injection must be performed by a doctor, although the drug levels can then be subsequently topped up by the midwife for as long as it is required. Early epidurals also interfered with movement, and so the entire birth had to be carried out lying down, but more advanced versions of the drugs used now allow the mother to walk around a little to relieve discomfort.

- Pethidine

This is the strongest pain relief option available in most cases, and is extremely effective in stopping pain over a 3 to 4 hour period. Unlike an epidural, it can't be used indefinitely, and only two doses are usually allowed, meaning it is less than ideal for labors lasting longer than 8 hours or so. The drug can also pass through to the infant, in some cases delaying the start of breathing. Antidotes are, however, available should this occur.

Although the choice of which method of pain relief to use is usually left up to the mother, most midwives recommend starting with the less invasive choices such as TENS and gas and air, only moving up to drug treatments if necessary later on.

READ MORE - Pain Relief During Childbirth

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Pregnancy Massage Therapy

The modern mum-to-be is a stressed out individual, having to cater to increasing pressures of a fast paced society and work place. Yet at the same time, she knows that her wellness is crucial especially during her pregnancy if she wants a smooth delivery process and the birth of a healthy happy baby.

This increased awareness has led to the search for alternative approaches in addition to traditional health services. Pregnancy massage therapy is one such alternative approach. It has much therapeutic value as it enhances the function of muscles and joints, improves blood circulation and relieves mental and physical fatigue.

Pregnancy Massage can be prenatal, postnatal or during the labour process, although many refer pregnancy massage to just prenatal and post-natal massage to mean massage that takes place a few days after delivery.

In a prenatal massage, the massage is focused on reducing pregnancy discomforts and aims to enhance the physiological and emotional well-being of both mother and foetus. A relaxed mother also helps in the development of a brainy and healthy foetus. Also, the massage helps to strengthen and prepares the muscles that are useful for a natural delivery process.

Many women fear a long delivery process. Yet, many desire one that is as natural as possible and without the use of epidural or any other drugs. During labour, massage techniques exist to help shorten the delivery process while easing pain and anxiety.

Post-natal massage focuses on toning the new mother's body, reduce fluid retention and and helps the body be brought back to balance and shape. It also helps to rejuvenate and re-energize the new mother and thus enhance her ability to bond with her baby.

The pregnant female should always first consult her doctors if she is suitable for massage or for any other alternative therapies that they wish to try. Her overall objective is to achieve a good mental state and physical health and to have a wonderful birthing experience.

READ MORE - Pregnancy Massage Therapy

Now’s the time to reclaim our childbirth skills

Consider this. In the US, 3,680,000 women give birth each year, in the UK 700,000 do, Melbourne, Australia 58,000 and the same in New Zealand. Where Common Knowledge Trust is located 1,000 women give birth. New Zealand is unique. In 1995 midwives became autonomous, lead maternity carers. Direct entry 3 year educational programs were set up, they are paid by Government to provide antenatal, delivery and post-natal care within the concept of continuity of care. Women can choose to give birth at home or in hospital with the same midwife. There is no shared care. Over 85% of all pregnant New Zealand women have a continuity of care midwife. Women choosing to birth in hospital, even when referred to a specialist, will have team midwifery care. Ideal isn't it? Since 1995, the caesarean rate has doubled to over 27% nationally. What's wrong with the picture?

In modern societies where blame, shame and guilt are raging emotions often associated with birth, changing the system doesn't seem to have worked. It's so easy to ask 'so who is to blame?' Gotcha.

I want a new blue car to drive. I'm planning chicken, salad and apple pie for dinner. When my husband and I have sex this weekend, I want to have the most delicious orgasm. I'll breastfeed. These sentences have two elements. The most obvious are the choices. The less obvious are the skills. Driving is a learned skill, so is cooking, making love well and breast feeding. Within these skills are some that relate to natural physiological human urges: hunger, sex, breastfeeding. Somehow we know that we have, or haven't or need to develop skills around these natural physiological experiences. Birth is no different.

Common Knowledge Trust is located in New Zealand, yet all The Pink Kit Method for birthing better™ resources that are and will become available developed in the US in the 1970s when 'choices' for expectant couples opened up possibilities unheard of for our mothers and grandmothers. Little focus has been on the skills birthing women and coaching partners need, although Lamaze, Bradley and Birthworks have offered couples tools and skills to work with the birth plans or choices couples are making.

There are so many choices for modern women and such a focus on individuality that we have lost sight of something very important. We are all one humanity. Every woman throughout Time or Place on this planet has given birth out the same hole. Birth is essentially the same process: one contraction following another until something comes out our vagina. We share the same body and can prepare our birthing body the same way. We discovered this in the 1970s. Stick to the shared body and share a common language. This is The Pink Kit Method for birthing better™. and every expectant couple can teach themselves in the privacy of their own home, along with whatever they are doing to plan or prepare for childbirth. The skills adapt to your individual situation, because they are your skills!

Many birth plans have been foiled by the unexpected. Birth plans are about choice. Birth is about reality and what is happening now. Couple our own skills to the choices we make. When the unexpected happens we have the skills to take into whatever situation we find ourselves. The reason we have so often heard 'There's no way to prepare for birth', is because the unexpected is common place. We do not know what our labour will be like, if we'll birth on our due date or go over 4 weeks, whether our water bag will leak for 2 weeks, our birth professional be sick, the hot water didn't work to fill the pool, our baby turned breech and we're faced with a c/s and on and on. We learned in the 1970s with skills, we can use them in all situations. Nothing has to stop us. We adjust.

The Pink Kit Method for birthing better™ can become the common knowledge skills for expectant couples worldwide. This will happen because you make the resources available in your local community. We don't need another professionally trained group to teach us about our birthing body, we can do it ourselves at home. We (both mother and father) can all learn how to Map the pelvis, know what positions keep us open, to relax inside The Pelvic Clock, to do Kate's Cat, Hip Lifts, Sit Bone Spreads, use a common language and common touch at any birth. And there's more!.

Five years of statistics show that couples who learn and use the skills have about 7% c/s. Some of those couples said they did the work, but really didn't and gave up in labour. This is compared to the 27% all having access to midwifery car, childbirth education, natural therapies etc.

Childbirth can change, one labour at a time, one contraction at a time in even around all the assessments, monitoring and procedures being done. If women wanted natural birth, they'd go bush. We take aspirin for headaches, antibiotics, immunise…the normal and natural is no longer. If birth was so natural, why are direct entry midwives trained for 3 years? Birth is natural. It will happen at the end of pregnancy. If you're planning a labouring birth, then become skilled. If you're planning or needing a non-labouring birth then treat yourself to becoming skilled and use the skills in the birth of your child. Every expectant parent can become involved in birth preparation and have a more positive and fulfilling birth. Don't expect perfect.

READ MORE - Now’s the time to reclaim our childbirth skills

Monday, December 28, 2009

Pregnancy – Foods and other things to Avoid

It is essential that you take care when preparing foods and avoid doing certain things when pregnant. This is due to your baby's immune system not being sufficiently developed to fight any infection you may pass to it whilst within the womb. It is believed that a female's immune system may not function at its peak during pregnancy so it is essential that all necessary precautions are taken


It is essential that if you have a pet that every time you come into contact with them you wash your hands thoroughly afterwards.Pets can pass on harmful bacteria that may be present in their faeces. You may inadvertently become infected with this by touching your mouth or other part of the body and this may in turn infect your unborn child.

Cats are of particular importance due to toxoplasmosis found within their faeces. If you have a cat that uses a litter tray it is important that someone else carries out this task or if this is not possible then you should wear rubber gloves and a face mask to prevent any bacteria being passed. This also applies to gardening where faecal matter can be found in the soil. Again, wear gloves and wash your hands as soon as possible after finishing.

Toxoplasmosis is caused by a parasite. It can go unnoticed in a healthy adult or even an unborn baby. Once you have this infection you will not become re-infected and will be immune for life.


This is a bacteria which develops into an illness called listeriosis. The symptoms of this are mild flu, aches and pains, sore throat and high temperatures. In the more serious of cases this can cause septicaemia and meningitis in unborn babies. This is the worst case scenario. In some cases many people are not aware they have caught the bacteria as they do not show any of the above symptoms. During pregnancy, mothers have to be aware of certain foods where this bacteria may be prevalent.

This is true for after pregnancy aswell especially if you are nursing your child. The symptoms usually develop from 2 to 30 days after eating contaminated food.

Foods to Avoid


Not all cheeses contain the bacteria but there are some which can be potentially harmful to a pregnant mother. Avoid both pasteurised and unpasteurised soft cheeses which usually have a surface mould or rind such as Brie, Camembert and Danish Blue. Also avoid cheeses coated in wax such as Gouda, Post Salut. It is best to stay clear of the majority of blue cheeses such as Stilton, Gorgonzola and Roquefort. Hard Cheeses such as Cheddar, Parmesan, and Red Leicester fall into the safe category as do softer cheeses made from pasteurised milk such as Cottage cheese, mozzarella, ricotta, processed cheese and cheese spreads. If in doubt play safe and avoid eating it.


The salmonella bacteria are most commonly found in eggs. It is best to avoid any foods made with raw or partly cooked eggs such as homemade mayonnaise, meringues, cheesecakes, sorbets or mousses. Eggs are only safe if they have been cooked long enough so that their yolks are hard.Shop-bought mayonnaises are usually safe as long as they have been made with pasteurised eggs. Always check the label if in doubt.


Avoid all products which have not been pasteurised. All pasteurised products are safe to use all through pregnancy and beyond.


Do not eat raw or under cooked meat or poultry. Also avoid meats which have been preserved in nitrates such as salami, frankfurters and luncheon meat. Always cook meat so the juices run clear and there is no 'pinkness' or blood within. When touching raw meat and poultry always wash your hands thoroughly before touching any other foods. Liver contains vitamin A in the form of retinol which if taken by a pregnant women can increase her levels way above the recommended daily level and become damaging to the baby. Liver should be avoided aswell as products containing liver such as pate and liver sausage.


Oysters and any raw or uncooked fish should be avoided. Also shelled seafood such as crab, prawns, and langoustines should be avoided unless they have been thoroughly cooked and are hot. Most seafood bought from a fishmonger or supermarket should be safe. Fresh tuna should only be eaten once a month due to the potential levels of mercury found within. This is also true for swordfish and shark. Tinned tuna contains lower levels so this is safe to eat every week.


All pre pared shop bought salads are best to be avoided. So too are dressed salads such as coleslaw, potato salad and Florida salad. It is best to make your own and ensure that all leaves are thoroughly washed free from soils and other deposits found on the leaves.

READ MORE - Pregnancy – Foods and other things to Avoid

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Should I Breastfeed or use Formula?

The decision of how to feed your baby is a very personal one. The benefits of breast-feeding are numerous and significant, but many women still choose not to for reasons all their own. Before you decide how to feed you child, take a few moments to study up on breastfeeding, then armed with information, making your choice should be easier.

Breastfeeding has two stages, colustrum and regular milk. Colustrum is the very first milk produced. It occurs during the first two to three days, and is a thick, whitish liquid. Colustrum is exactly what a new baby needs. It is low in fat and high in carbohydrates, protein, and antibodies. It is also extremely easy for the newborn's system to digest. One of the first things that the colustrum does is produce a laxative effect. It helps the baby to pass the meconium, which are thick and tarry. It also helps to clear excess bilirubin and prevent jaundice. So, if a baby is born with jaundice, the best thing is to nurse. Colustrum also carries an extremely high number of both antibodies and leukocytes (protective white cells), and helps the baby's immature immune system fight off diseases, viruses, and bacteria. In effect, colustrum super-charges the baby's system and helps prepare him for life outside the womb.

By the third or fourth day after birth, the second stage of breastfeeding occurs. This is when the regular milk comes in. This milk is much thinner, but contains all the nutrition a baby needs to grow and thrive. Just as colustrum did, the regular breast milk carries much-needed antibodies to the baby's system. Antibodies are molecules made by your immune system that help to fight off illness. Breast milk contains all of the antibodies that the mother's body has created. As new germs are introduced into the baby's environment, the mother's body begins preparing antibodies to ward off those germs. These new antibodies are then passed through the breast milk to help the baby fight off the new threat. Now, this doesn't mean that breastfed babies never get sick, but research has shown that they do typically recover more quickly than a formula-fed baby.

There are additional benefits to breastfeeding other than just the antibodies. It has been shown that breastfeeding offers protection against ear infections, respiratory illnesses, allergies, intestinal disorders, colds, viruses, staph, strep, e-coli infections, diabetes, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, childhood cancers, meningitis, pneumonia, urinary tract infections, salmonella, and SIDS. Breastfeeding also offers lifetime protection from Chrohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, some lymphomas, insulin dependent diabetes, breast cancer, and ovarian cancer.

Breastfeeding also offers benefits to the mother. Long-term breastfeeding, for a cumulative total of two years or more, has been shown to reduce a mother's chances of developing breast and ovarian cancer. Breastfeeding also helps the mother to lose weight more quickly after having a baby. Because many women do not get their periods back until they stop nursing, breastfeeding also helps to naturally space out children. But, it is important to note that one should never rely solely on breastfeeding for birth control.

These are just a few of the amazing things that breast milk can do for a baby. You would think that with all this research, the decision to breast-feed would be a "no-brainer". Unfortunately, one of the biggest deciding factors of whether a woman decides to breastfeed is the reaction of family members. Oftentimes the husband is uninformed on the benefits of breastfeeding, and pushes the woman to wean to formula. Many mothers and grandmothers don't support the breastfeeding woman because "that wasn't how it was done in their day." Many women receive dirty looks or harsh comments for discretely nursing in public. All of these factors push a new mother towards formula, despite the amazing health benefits of nursing.

The decision to breast-feed is yours. Take at least as much time to learn about breastfeeding as you did when you picked out your babies crib; more if you can spare it. Arm yourself with knowledge and then make a decision. Only you can decide if breastfeeding is right for you family.

READ MORE - Should I Breastfeed or use Formula?

Conjoined Twins

Twins are a kind of multiple births, i.e., when a woman gives birth to more than one baby at the same time. Twins occur when more than one egg is fertilized or when the same egg is fertilized more than once by one or two sperm, leading to formation of more than one fetus.

Conjoined twins are identical twins who are joined together somewhere in the body. Conjoined twins are monozygotic twins, in the sense that they share the same zygote. Sometimes, they also share some vital internal organs. Formation of conjoined twins is believed to be the result of late twinning. When the twinning occurs more than twelve days after fertilization of the egg, it may lead to formation of conjoined twins because the embryo may not split completely. This may be due to genetic or environmental factors.

Conjoined twins are also known as Siamese twins, named after the famous conjoined twins, Eng and Chang Bunker from Siam. Conjoined twin births are very rare, amounting to around one birth in every 1,00,000 births. Mary and Eliza Chulkhurst, famously referred to as the biddenden maids, are one of the earliest known set of conjoined twins. The ratio of male and female sets of conjoined twins was found to be three to one, and they are found more in certain countries like India or Africa.

Conjoined twins rarely survive because of the complexity of the bodies. Most of them are stillborn or die within twenty-four hours after birth. Conjoined twins can be separated surgically if none of the vital organs are involved. There are different kinds of conjoined twins, depending on the part of the body where they are joined. These are cephalopagus, craniopagus, craniothoracopagus, dicephalus, iscopagus, omphalopagus, parapagus, pygopagus and thoracopagus. There are also some rare kinds of conjoined twins, such as parasitic twins (where one twin is not completely formed and depends on the other twin to sustain life), and fetus in fetu (where one twin's fetus is present inside the body of the other twin).

Some people consider separation of conjoined twins as unethical if it involves death or disability of one of the twins. Conjoined twins, if they survive, can lead healthy lives. There are instances where conjoined twins have even married and become parents. The famous Siamese twins, Chang and Eng Bunker, fathered twenty-one children in thirty-one years.

READ MORE - Conjoined Twins

How To Care For Your Body During Pregnancy

Being pregnant means following a healthy lifestyle is more important than ever. It's crucial to understand what steps you can take to keep you and your baby in good health.

Prenatal care is one of the vital factors that ensure a smooth pregnancy. The first checkup should occur during the first 6 to 8 weeks of your pregnancy, when your menstrual period is approximately 2 to 4 weeks late. For women who are relatively healthy and have no complicating risk factors, you will probably see your health care provider every 4 weeks until the 28th week of pregnancy, and then every 2 weeks until 36 weeks of pregnancy. After that you will have an appointment every week until you give birth through inducing labor or otherwise.


Proper nutrition is one of the best ways to enjoy a happy pregnancy. Because you're eating for two, it's doubly important to consume healthy foods and stay away from things that may harm your baby as it develops. When you're pregnant, dieting and cutting calories is not a good thing - you will need to take in about 300 more calories a day to ensure you and your baby are properly nourished, especially as your pregnancy progresses. Caloric intake, however, can vary from woman to woman. For thin women, and women carrying twins, you may be required to consume more than 300 extra calories. Or, if you are currently verweight you might need less. No matter what, you'll need to contact your healthcare provider to determine what's best for you.

Of course, pure calorie consumption is not the only goal - you need to make sure that what you eat is nutritionally sound. Nutritious foods contain the essential vitamins and minerals that contribute to a baby's growth and development.

Although a healthy diet is fundamental to caring for your body during pregnancy, it's actually quite simple to integrate healthy living into your daily life. Maintain a well-balanced diet by following basic dietary guidelines. Lean meats, fruit, vegetables, whole grain breads and low-fat dairy products are all essential to maintaining good health.

Real, healthy food will provide your body with much-needed nutrients. At the same time, during pregnancy certain essential nutrients are required in higher-than-normal amounts. For example, calcium, iron, and folic acid are especially essential in the diet of a pregnant woman. Although your doctor may prescribe vitamin supplements, your diet still needs to contain nutritious food to provide your body with most of its nourishment.

On a normal basis, women need 1,000 mg of calcium per day, but during pregnancy, calcium consumption should rise in order to keep up with calcium loss in your bones. You can get calcium from a wide range of food products, including low-fat dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yogurt; orange juice, soy milk, and cereals that are fortified with calcium; dark green veggies such as spinach, kale, and broccoli; as well as tofu, dried beans, and almonds.

A pregnant woman requires 27 to 30 mg of iron per day because iron is used by the body to make hemoglobin, which is what helps red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body. A lack of iron leads to a dearth of red blood cells, meaning the body's tissues and organs don't receive enough oxygen. With a baby on board, women need to pay extra attention to their iron intake.

Iron is found in both plant and animal matter, but the body absorbs it more easily from meat sources. The following are some foods that contain a good amount of iron: red meat, dark poultry, salmon, eggs, tofu, enriched grains, dried beans and peas, dried fruit, leafy green vegetables, blackstrap molasses, and iron-fortified breakfast cereals.

Many people have already heard about how important folate (folic acid) is for a pregnant woman. For pregnant woman, or those planning on becoming pregnant, it is recommended that you take 0.4 milligrams of folic acid every day. Many women choose to supplement their diet with vitamins in addition to any folic acid intake they receive from food.

It has been found that consuming folic acid 1 month before and during the first 3 months of pregnancy reduces the risk of neural tube defects by 70%, which is why it's considered so critical. The neural tube is formed during the first 28 days of pregnancy, which is usually before a woman even realizes she's pregnant, and it eventually develops into the baby's brain and spinal cord. Lack of sufficient nutrition, particularly a lack of folic acid, may result in a neural tube defect such as spina bifida.

To remain healthy while pregnant, it's also key to drink plenty of fluids. During pregnancy your blood volume increases, so drinking plenty of water is the best way to avoid dehydration and constipation.

Exercise is a great way to feel great throughout an entire pregnancy. There's no reason to stop physical activity once you become pregnant; in fact, dietary guidelines suggest that you take 30 minutes or more each day to work out at a moderate pace.

During pregnancy, regular exercise prevents excessive weight gain, reduces problems such as back pain, swelling, and constipation, improves sleep, increases energy, promotes a positive attitude, prepares your body for labor and lessens recovery time after labor.

Proper sleep is another factor in maintaining health and comfort during pregnancy. Pregnancy can take its toll, and after a long day you will feel more tired than usual. As the baby grows bigger, it will be more difficult to sleep, but try to sleep as best you can - it will do wonders for how you feel!

Once you are ready to give birth and are considering inducing labor it is wise to consider all the advantages and disadvantages. ( ) Indeed, several authorities recommend you give informed consent before labor is induced. Of course, the baby is an important concern when considering induction of labor, especially the baby's ability to breathe once delivered.

Following a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, exercising, and drinking plenty of fluids are all important to your overall well-being during pregnancy. If you strive to eat nutritious food and maintain a positive attitude during the course of your pregnancy, the good moments will definitely outshine the difficult ones.

READ MORE - How To Care For Your Body During Pregnancy

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Pregnancy Facts: Coping with the First Trimester

The first 0-12 weeks of a woman's pregnancy is called the first trimester. It is during this period that a woman's body experiences drastic changes during pregnancy. Discomforts and others may or may not be experienced by a pregnant woman during this time, to help you cope with it here are a list of the most common changes and discomforts and how to effectively deal with them.

Morning sickness and Nausea

The stretching of the uterine muscles and the pressure on the digestive tract due to the baby growing can cause increased stomach acids, the body reacts to this increase by releasing it through vomiting. As such, a woman's sense of smell is on hyperdrive during pregnancy; this can also increase irritability as well as the probability of vomiting.

Rejoice, for this doesn't stay for the whole nine months. Usually the vomiting stops after the third month. And do not worry the vomiting doesn't hurt the baby.

To help with morning sickness, try not too eat large meals instead eat small frequent meals so that the stomach doesn't get "shocked." Also, studies show that a diet abundant in complex carbohydrates, like bread and other starchy food, and proteins can help alleviate morning sickness. Also avoid eating fatty food.

Breast swelling

The body, in its preparation for the arrival of the baby, releases progesterone and estrogen in higher levels than usual. These hormones sends a message to the breast to produce more milk, this is in preparation for feeding the baby when it comes out.

The areolas will most likely enlarge and darken. Later on you may notice that these areas start to have white bumps. There may also be increased sensitivity in the breast area and you may also see blue lines along your breasts. These blue lines are only your blood vessels working hard to supply blood to your breasts.

Swelling may increase during the latter period of pregnancy; in this case one must use a good support bra of the right size.

Shortness of Breath and fatigue

Pregnancy can cause fatigue and other emotional changes in a woman. You should know that even while you sleep, your body is feeding another living being. During pregnancy, you body needs more rest. Fatigue is normal, and should go away after the body gets used to it.

To prevent yourself from being more irritable than you are and more tired, try to get as much sleep as you can in the night. The ideal length of sleep for an adult is eight hours, try to get this much every night.

A proper diet also helps with fatigue after all you're already feeding two people. One other reason for the fatigue may be the lack of vitamins and nutrients for the both of you. Take the vitamins that your doctor recommends and make sure you eat lots of nutrient-rich foods.

Exercise is also a big help. It doesn't have to b hard exercise, a light jog a slow walk can in sense practice your body for the extra work it does. But remember, a balance of exercise and rest is needed too much exercise or too much rest can also increase fatigue.

Irritability and mood changes

Because of the increased presence of hormones, mood swings are uncommon, this happens to women monthly during pre-menstrual syndrome.


During pregnancy the heart is pumping harder to provide extra blood to the legs and the uterus, as such a woman may experience dizziness due to the lack of blood flow into the brain. Low blood sugar levels can also contribute to dizziness. The best thing to do in this case is to make sure that you eat protein rich food and frequent smaller meals.

Urination Frequency

The rapid growth of the uterus presses the other internal organs away, this includes the bladder. Usually the frequency decreases when the uterus settles into the abdominal cavity. It may return on the third trimester when the uterus drops back down to prepare for birth.

Try leaning forward while urinating. This is to make sure that you empty your bladder completely and can help in decreasing the urinating frequency.

These are the more common discomforts during pregnancy, others like varicose veins, cravings and heartburn are all normal. Being prepared early can help a lot during pregnancy. Be sure to have regular check-ups with your doctor as well as a proper diet, vitamins and exercise.

Note: This article may be freely reproduced as long as the AUTHOR'S resource box at the bottom of this article is included and all links must be Active/Linkable with no syntax changes.

READ MORE - Pregnancy Facts: Coping with the First Trimester

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Maternity Leave Challenges in the US Today

Although 163 countries provide guaranteed paid maternity leave for new mothers, the United States does not. In fact, this maternity leave statistic puts the US in the same boat with Lesotho, Papua New Guinea and Swaziland. Australia is the only other industrialized nation that offers no paid maternity leave for new mothers, but it does offer 12 months of unpaid maternity leave. So what does the US offer new moms today?

Let us examine the laws for pregnancy and maternity leave up close. The first federal law that you should be aware of is the Pregnancy Discrimination Act. This Act makes it illegal for employers to fire, refuse to hire, or deny a woman a promotion because she is pregnant. However, it provides no job protection to new parents on maternity leave.

The second federal law that you should be aware of is the Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA), which provides millions of workers with up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected time off for maternity leave or recovery from illness.

If you happen to be so lucky, your company also may offer paid short term disability to help with your maternity leave and recovery from childbirth. Some companies are stricter than others in allowing a new mom on maternity leave to qualify for this paid benefit. Ask your HR representative if this is an option for you.

While most of us can depend on FMLA to guarantee us a return to our jobs, some workers cannot. FMLA only applies to businesses with over 50 employees. The FMLA protects working women and men who have been with the same employer for at least one year and have worked for at least 1250 hours over the course of that year. 40% of workers do not fall within these boundaries. Still more workers who are eligible for FMLA coverage simply cannot afford to take maternity leave without pay. In one survey, 78 percent of workers who needed FMLA but did not take it said they could not afford the unpaid leave. So what does this mean for your maternity leave?

It means that you may have to end your maternity leave before you are ready to leave your baby. To avoid this scenarios, start considering your options before you go on maternity leave.

Job Sharing: You share your job with another person, cutting your hours to half of what they once were. This allows you to spend more bonding time with baby, while giving you some income.

Telecommuting: Working from home may be a possibility if you have a computer, good Internet connection, and a telephone - at least while on a partial maternity leave

Staying Home Full Time: Can you rearrange your budget to stay home - at least temporarily?

Start Your Own Business:There are so many possibilities out there from starting your own childcare business to selling goods on e-bay.

The US has a long way to go to protect working moms. Many families simply can't afford to live on dad's income alone, and many of us are single moms as well, with no choice but to work. With a little creativity and some luck, you may be able to work around the system, so you'll have more bonding time with your baby and a longer maternity leave.

READ MORE - Maternity Leave Challenges in the US Today
Although 163 countries provide guaranteed paid maternity leave for new mothers, the United States does not. In fact, this maternity leave statistic puts the US in the same boat with Lesotho, Papua New Guinea and Swaziland. Australia is the only other industrialized nation that offers no paid maternity leave for new mothers, but it does offer 12 months of unpaid maternity leave. So what does the US offer new moms today? Let us examine the laws for pregnancy and maternity leave up close. The first federal law that you should be aware of is the Pregnancy Discrimination Act. This Act makes it illegal for employers to fire, refuse to hire, or deny a woman a promotion because she is pregnant. However, it provides no job protection to new parents on maternity leave. The second federal law that you should be aware of is the Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA), which provides [...]

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Mammograms Are No Joke - They Can Save Lives

Mammograms Are No Joke - They Can Save Lives

By: Lynn Roodbol

There are so many jokes about mammograms! Have you heard the one about the fridge door ... or the bookends ... or the garage floor? Thanks to all the jokes, "Mammogram" has become a household word, and it's not that I don't have a sense of humor, but as a mammography technologist, I've heard the jokes many times. I think the jokes are embarrassing for women and demeaning with regard to their physical bodies. Many women say, "If men had to do this, there would be a better solution" - this may or may not be true. Most people agree that mammograms are not perfect, but until there is a better solution, I think it's time to look at mammograms in a different light.

In May of 1985 and 1986 I asked my doctor to order a mammogram for me and he refused both times saying I was too young. There were no screening mammography centers to which I could refer myself, so that was that. In December of 1986 at the age of 42 I felt a lump in my breast and had a mammogram the same day. It turned out to be Stage II breast cancer with 4 positive lymph nodes. I had a lumpectomy, a mastectomy and chemotherapy but chose not to have radiation. I obviously wasn't too young to have cancer.

In May 1985 a mammogram cost less than $60.00 and would have resulted in my having minor surgery to deal with a small lump. Delaying the diagnosis until December 1986 raised the cost of the medical care I received both in dollars and the amount of human suffering we faced. I say "we" because a diagnosis of cancer affects the family, friends and community of the person with the disease. A timely mammogram would have saved us all a lot of grief.

The common perception is that having a mammogram is a negative experience; I think this is a bad rap. Mammograms are quick and easy breast X-Rays; which usually means two views of each breast - one from the top and one from the side. They are performed by friendly, knowledgeable technologists who do their best to help women feel at ease. The technologists' goal is to get the best films possible and also to make the experience as quick and painless as possible.

When people go for a mammogram the most important thing to know is that relaxation of the upper body is the key to a positive experience. I know it's hard to relax when you're apprehensive, but this is why I believe we need to lessen the public apprehension of this test. It is easy to relax by taking some deep breaths before you have the test. By relaxing your muscles you will be much more comfortable through the test than if you are tense. An added bonus is that the films will be of higher quality, as it is easier to image the back of the breast close to the chest wall if the pectoralis muscles are relaxed. When it's done, you may hear yourself saying, "That wasn't bad at all!"

Some women are embarrassed to have a mammogram because they don't want anyone other than their partner to see and touch their breasts. The mammogram jokes add to their fear of pain and embarrassment making it harder for them to manage, and I know of some women who avoid having a mammogram for this reason. The test is done in privacy; no one but a female technologist will be present. Technologists, for the most part, are sensitive people who will do the test as quickly and professionally as they can. Many women who have resisted the test for a long time are amazed at how simple and painless it can be.

Mammograms include compression of the breast with a plastic plate to produce a high quality image with the least amount of radiation. Breast compression is meant to be tight, but it should not be painful and it only lasts for a few seconds. If you think about looking at a bunch of grapes - it's hard to see them all from one spot. If you spread the grapes out, you can see more grapes. Similarly with the use of compression, more breast tissue is visible when the breast is spread out. With a flatter, thinner layer of tissue the amount of radiation required is less than if the breast is not compressed. The amount of radiation you get is as low as can be achieved if adequate compression is used, and also if good quality control is maintained at the mammogram facility.

In the U.S.A. the cost of a mammogram runs between $50 and $150.00. There is financial help available from insurance companies, state and local programs, and from some employers. Please do not let the cost deter you from having a mammogram as the cost of not having a mammogram can be much higher both financially and emotionally. Check for information on the internet.

In most places in Canada, women can book their own appointment for a free screening mammogram; a doctor's referral is not required. In places without a screening program, mammography is available with a doctor's referral and is covered by health insurance. Approximately 7% of women will be asked to have further testing. Most of the time, follow up testing involves an additional mammogram with a different view to separate the breast tissue in a particular area to get a better image. In my analogy of the bunch of grapes, it's like having a few grapes on top of each other and separating them out in a different way in order to see them better.

There is controversy about the age bracket for women to have a mammogram. On a mammogram film, normal breast tissue in young women usually appears to be dense; normal breast tissue in older women usually turns to fat and appears less dense. Reading mammograms on young women is like looking through a tree which is full of leaves in summer. Reading mammograms on older women can be compared to looking through a tree in winter. You can see why reading mammograms on young women is more complex than reading films on older women and this is the main reason why screening mammography is more effective as women mature.

The fear of being diagnosed with breast cancer will often prevent a woman from having a mammogram. My personal experience is that it is much better to be diagnosed earlier rather than when the cancer has had chance to spread. The amount of fear, pain, embarrassment, and emotional anguish from having a mammogram does not even come close to that of being diagnosed with an advanced cancer. A mammogram takes about 10 minutes; an early cancer can be dealt with in a reasonable amount of time, while an advanced cancer is much more of a time commitment. The amount of fear that comes with a cancer diagnosis is astronomical compared to that of a screening mammogram.

It is often recommended that women have a screening mammogram every two years, but many people believe it is better to have mammograms on an annual basis. It is probably best if women can consult their doctors and make the decision on an individual basis. A number of factors affect the decision such as age, family history, general health, and previous breast problems. Between appointments, whether you choose to have a mammogram every year or every two years, it is important to be aware of any breast problems. If you notice anything unusual it is wise to contact your doctor. This applies even if your mammogram was negative because there are a certain percentage of cancers that do not show on a mammogram.

The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation promotes a three-prong approach to breast health:

  • annual clinical breast exam by a doctor or trained health professional
  • screening mammogram
  • monthly breast self exam
Breast self-exam can be a controversial issue. Many people do not recommend monthly self-exams, yet many women have found their own breast cancers this way. The important thing to remember is if you choose to do self exam, to do it right:
  • learn the proper method from a doctor or trained health professional
  • be disciplined and practice it regularly
  • pick the same time of your menstrual cycle or the same date each month
  • get to know your normal breast "architecture"
  • make notes of your findings, draw pictures and record dates
  • make detailed notes of unusual findings including dates
  • check with your doctor if you find anything worrisome
Following these steps will give you confidence and put you in charge of your breast health. Some health professionals are concerned that women will be unnecessarily alarmed if they find a problem with their breasts. I believe that an educated approach to breast care will reduce the fear that many women live with, and they can consult their doctors in a more rational manner. Most breast lumps are benign, but early detection of breast cancer is worth the extra cost of investigating lumps and other unusual findings.

Mammography is a peculiar test in some ways. However, it is the gold standard at present and until there is a better method of screening which is also cost effective it makes good sense to have regular mammograms. Finding cancer in the early stages before it has a chance to spread makes the treatment much easier and the cure rate much higher. Having a mammogram is not meant to be funny, or even fun; but a few minutes of discomfort rewards us with knowing we are taking action to help protect our breast health.

Author Bio Lynn was diagnosed with Stage II breast cancer in 1986 and colon and skin cancer in 1987. She has been involved in the cancer community since then as a peer counselor, support group facilitator, fundraiser and retreat organizer. She works as a mammography technologist in Guelph Ontario. Lynn is also a life coach for cancer patients to help them shorten the learning curve and navigate their journey with cancer.

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READ MORE - Mammograms Are No Joke - They Can Save Lives

Sunday, August 30, 2009

A Different Picture Of Heart Disease

A Different Picture Of Heart Disease

In Feb 2006, researchers reported that many women suffer from a fundamentally different heart disease from men and is easily missed from standard tests. Moreover, women do not seek treatment as early as men, and women's hearts are smaller and their blood vessels are more easily damaged. Another possible reason is that the disease could manifest itself differently. As a result, women are less likely to survive heart attacks than men. Many women are still unaware that heart disease and stroke have emerged as the top killers of women worldwide.

The researchers found that for some women, instead of developing obvious blockages in the arteries supplying blood to the heart, plaque are accumulated more evenly inside the major arteries and in smaller blood vessels. In other cases, their arteries fail to expand properly or go into spasm, often at times of physical or emotional stress. These abnormalities are very common for younger women and these can be dangerous because they could trigger life-threatening heart attacks.

Instead of the classic crushing chest pain, sweating and shortness of breath, they often complain of vague symptoms such as fatigue, an upset in stomach, or pain in the jaw or shoulders. This certainly explain why some women suddenly have heart attacks even though their arteries look clear and in some cases, the doctors even send them home without treatment or refer them to psychiatrists. Even if they do get medical treatment, these women may not benefit from the standard drugs or therapies such as bypass surgery and angioplasty to reopen the clogged arteries. In many cases, these women whose arteries looked clear in normal tests have a significantly higher risk of having a heart attack or dying within four or five years. The abnormalities could be due to the fact that hormonal or genetic differences change how their arteries react. In America, there are as many as three million women may suffer from these conditions.

Despite the new findings, many women do have the same kind of heart disease as men, and they do benefit from the same preventative measures and treatments that help men: a healthy diet and weight; regular exercise; and a lower blood pressure and cholesterol level. It is still unclear how best doctors can tackle such conditions, but the new findings do provide important understanding of a major health problem, and it also alerts both women and their doctors about the alternative manifestations of the disease.

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Saturday, August 29, 2009

Natural Supplements for Womens Health: Blood Sugar

Natural Supplements for Womens Health: Blood Sugar

One of the problems that women face is a blood sugar. There are a number of factors that can cause high blood sugar levels. Pregnancy and menopause change estrogen levels which affect metabolism and how body processes fat. In turn, that affects blood sugar levels. Menstruation also affects blood sugar, at least indirectly. Everyone has heard about "those pesky hormones" and all about craving certain foods like salty items such as chips or everyone's favorite treat, chocolate. With some dietary changes and a little help from supplements you can achieve a healthy balance in your blood sugar levels.

Tackling the Diet

Carbohydrates are important for your body, but eating too many of them in your diet can cause your blood sugar to have more drastic highs and lows. In addition, you'll find that more fat collects along your midriff and hips. By being selective in the types of carbs you ingest, you will still get what you need in your diet but without those blood sugar swings.

Just say no to processed foods. Basically white foods - anything with white flour and sugars - are converted more quickly to glucose in your body. This causes a spike in your blood sugar levels that lasts just a short time. Before you know it, your energy plummets and you feel lethargic because that "sugar rush" is gone. Then, in order to get that energy level back up, you eat more carbs and the cycle starts all over again.

By choosing carbohydrates that are found in whole grain foods, your body has to work harder to process them. What this means for you is that extreme high-low factor goes away and you are left with a more balanced blood sugar level and your energy level is more consistent. And because your body works harder to process these types of carbohydrates, you are expending calories, meaning less fat gets deposited in your mid-section.

Vitamins and Supplements

While taking care with your diet helps greatly, sometimes you just need an additional boost. This is where women supplements and vitamins for women come in. Business is booming with herbal supplements and special vitamin formulas. But which ones help with your blood sugar?

When your blood sugar levels fluctuate, it can be draining on your body and leave you feeling a bit sluggish. Taking supplements for women that contain chromium might give you a boost and alleviate some of that fatigue. If you have diabetes or might be prone to developing it, ginseng can also be beneficial. It has been known to boost metabolism and help control blood sugar.

If you are looking for vitamins or supplements you have to make sure you only buy high quality products. Always look for products from companies that only specialize in vitamins and supplements products for women. One of the companies that makes nutrients for women and specializes in supplements for women health is nutraOrigin.

There are a number of other women vitamins and supplements that could also be beneficial. However, be sure the check with your doctor to determine which ones might be best for you. If you are taking other medications, certain vitamins or women supplements might counteract with them.

It all boils down to common sense. Do your research into the different vitamins and supplements. Make positive changes in your diet. Women are built differently than men. Therefore, you must be more diligent with your body and what goes into it for your health.

Author Bio
This article was provided by nutraOrigin - the makers of nature-based supplements for women. For more information about various women health issues, tips and nutraOrigin products, visit

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READ MORE - Natural Supplements for Womens Health: Blood Sugar

Natural Alternative To Hormone Replacement Thereapy (HRT)

Natural Alternative To Hormone Replacement Thereapy (HRT)

Most women experience the onset of the menopause at an average age of about 50, but it can start anytime from the early forties to the late fifties. Symptoms can vary: some women sail through but others suffer the miseries of hot flushes, night sweats, irritability, depression, lack of energy and loss of libido.

Orthodox medical practitioners invariably prescribe hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and often anti-depressants and tranquillisers, which can become addictive. However, there is a natural alternative.

HRT is prescribed to counter balance the reduced production by your body of oestrogen which can lead to increased risk of osteoporosis and weakened bones leading to fractures. However, two large clinical trials have shown that HRT does not, in fact, significantly reduce the incidence of bone fractures, and there is an increased risk of heart disease, gallstones, and breast and endometrial cancer.

Rather than a shortage of hormones, it is said that most menopausal symptoms are more to do with an imbalance. By eating a healthy diet, taking regular exercise and natural supplements, you can boost the health of your bones, and balance sugar levels and your hormones.

It is well known that people in some parts of the world (for example Japan and the Mediterranean countries) rarely suffer from heart disease due to their different national diets. It is less well known that women in the Andes region of Peru do not suffer menopausal symptoms. Peruvian women take Maca, a tuberous plant related to the potato. As well as the beneficial effect on menopausal symptoms, Maca boosts energy and libido. Maca is also known as "Peruvian Ginseng" and "Peruvian Viagra".

Centuries ago, the Incas inhabited this area and, in order to boost their energy, their warriors used to take Maca before going into battle. When the Spanish conquered the area they found that their horses suffered from the high altitude. The locals advised them to feed Maca to the horses and the animals immediately experienced an increase in energy levels. The Spanish found that what was good for their horses would also benefit humans, so payment for the taxes levied on the locals was taken in Maca.

There are three phases of menopause: the peri-menopause or the year or so prior to the onset of the menopause when the your body misses the occasional menstrual period. During this time a low dose of 1500mg is recommended to counteract the slow down in the production by your body of hormones. During the actual menopause, increase the dose to around 4000mg each day for a period of 2-3 months, and then reduce the dose to 2000mg. In the post menopause phase, reduce your daily intake of Maca to 1500mg. The risk of osteoporosis is apparent from the onset of the menopause and thereafter. In addition to your daily intake of maca, you are advised to also take a daily dose of Forever Freedom, a natural health drink that contains aloe vera with added Glucosamine, Chondroitin, MSM, and vitamin C. This will ease stiffness and pain in the joints and promote mobility and good bone health.

Author Bio
Tony Luck runs a website with advice about maca, a natural alternative to hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and other natural remedies.

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READ MORE - Natural Alternative To Hormone Replacement Thereapy (HRT)

Monday, May 25, 2009

Viagra developer Furchgott dies at 92 (AFP)

Sun May 24, 5:29 pm ET WASHINGTON (AFP) – Robert Furchgott, the Nobel prize-winning scientist whose research on a gas's effect as a blood vessel relaxant paved the way for revolutionary impotence treatments such as Viagra, has died at age 92. The pharmacologist died last Tuesday in the northwestern city of Seattle, his daughter said in Sunday's New York Times. Research led by Furchgott and colleagues Louis Ignarro and Ferid Murad showed that nitric oxide -- known primarily as an air pollutant from cigarettes and car engines that contributes to smog -- plays a vital role in the human cardiovascular system and regulating blood pressure and circulation. The three researchers earned the Nobel prize for physiology in 1998, with the Swedish academy stressing it was the first time scientists proved the critical effects of a gas on biochemical functions in the human body. The discovery of the effect of nitric oxide, a colorless and odorless gas, on the relaxation of blood vessels marked a key step in laboratory company Pfizer's development of the erectile dysfunction drug sildenafil, which it markets under the name Viagra. The little blue pill was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration in 1998 as a treatment for erectile dysfunction and became enormously popular, bursting perceived social taboos of treating such a condition, with some 35 million men worldwide using the drug. Furchgott was born in Charleston, South Carolina on June 4, 1916, and as a youth developed a passion for the natural sciences. He graduated from the University of North Carolina with a chemistry degree and earned a doctorate in biochemistry from Northwestern University in 1940. He worked for years at the State University of New York, among other colleges, and continued doing research and teaching into his 80s despite a partial retirement. In 1978, he accidentally discovered an element in endothelial cells that relaxes blood vessels, describing it as endothelium-derived relaxing factor, or EDRF. Eight years later, he figured out that EDRF was in fact nitric oxide. During his Nobel acceptance speech, Furchgott noted the irony that the prize's namesake Alfred Nobel, celebrated for his work with nitroglycerine and dynamite, had suffered from angina, the insufficient flow of oxygenated blood to the heart for which he was prescribed nitrogylcerine, itself a known blood vessel dilator. Furchgott pointed to the "seemingly fated progression" from the creation of dynamite to the laureate's discovery of the molecule in nitrogylcerin responsible for the dilation of blood vessels that would help people like Nobel.
READ MORE - Viagra developer Furchgott dies at 92 (AFP)

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Viagra developer Furchgott dead at 92: report (AFP)

Sun May 24, 10:15 am ET WASHINGTON (AFP) – Robert Furchgott, a Nobel prize-winning pharmacologist whose work with the gas nitric oxide helped develop the anti-impotency drug Viagra, has died at the age of 92, The New York Times reported Sunday. The newspaper said his daughter Susan Furchgott had confirmed the death, which occurred on Tuesday in Seattle. According to The Times, research by Furchgott, Louis Ignarro and Ferid Murad has proven that nitric oxide, widely known as an air pollutant, also acted as an important signal in the cardiovascular system, mediating blood pressure and blood flow. This ability of nitric oxide to enlarge blood vessels was an important step in the development by Pfizer Corporation of the drug sildenafil citrate, which is also known as Viagra. The drug ameliorates impotence by increasing blood flow to the penis. Pfizer has called the nitric acid discovery "a small piece of information" in its inventing of the drug. In awarding Furchgott and his colleagues the prize for medicine in 1998, the Swedish Nobel assembly praised them for providing the first proof that a gas can perform important biochemical functions in the body. Furchgott was born in Charleston, South Carolina, on June 4, 1916, and developed an early interest in birds, shells and other natural phenomena. He earned a degree in chemistry from the University of North Carolina and a doctorate in biochemistry from Northwestern University. In the 1950s, Furchgott developed a method for determining how blood vessels respond to medications, neurotransmitters and hormones, using a rabbit?s artery. This allowed him to study the effects of drugs on vascular smooth muscle.
READ MORE - Viagra developer Furchgott dead at 92: report (AFP)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Free Lipitor, Viagra, other drugs for jobless (AP)

By LINDA A. JOHNSON, AP Business Writer Linda A. Johnson, Ap Business Writer – Thu May 14, 8:58 am ET TRENTON, N.J. – Pfizer Inc. is unveiling a new program Thursday that will let people who have lost their jobs and health insurance keep taking some widely prescribed Pfizer medications — including Lipitor and Viagra — for free for up to a year. The world's biggest drugmaker will provide more than 70 of its prescription drugs at no cost to unemployed, uninsured Americans, regardless of their prior income, who lost jobs since Jan. 1 and have been on the Pfizer drug for three months or more. The announcement comes amid massive job losses caused by the recession and a campaign in Washington to rein in health care costs and extend coverage. The move could earn Pfizer some goodwill in that debate after long being a target of critics of drug industry prices and sales practices. The program also likely will help keep those patients loyal to Pfizer brands. "Everybody knows now a neighbor, a relative who has lost their job and is losing their insurance. People are definitely hurting out there," Dr. Jorge Puente, Pfizer's head of pharmaceuticals outside the U.S. and Europe and a champion of the project, told The Associated Press in an exclusive interview Wednesday. "Our aim is to help people bridge this point." Officials for New York-based Pfizer said they don't know how much the program will cost and haven't put a cap on spending for it. Applicants will have to sign a statement that they are suffering financial hardship and provide a "pink slip" or similar employer notice. Applications will be accepted through Dec. 31, with medication provided for up to 12 months after approval — or until the person becomes insured again. Starting Thursday, patients can call a toll-free number, 866-706-2400, to sign up, and those whose drugs are not included in the program will be referred to other company aid programs. Starting July 1, patients can also apply through the Web site,, which has information about the other Pfizer aid programs. Pfizer and the rest of the drug industry is trying to have a voice in the debate over how to overhaul the U.S. health care system, partly by joining in a pledge this week to help hold down inflation of health costs. "There's a long-term benefit there, beyond the goodwill and the publicity," said David Heupel, health care portfolio manager at Thrivent Large Cap Growth Fund. "Pfizer is trying to maintain their (market) share, if not grow their share" by keeping people from switching to generic versions of its drugs to save money. "If you're already taking medication that's working, typically doctors don't push to change it," Heupel said. Pfizer's program comes at a time when many drugmakers, including Pfizer, have been raising prices on their drugs, partly to offset declines in revenue as the global recession reduces the number of prescriptions people can afford to fill. The idea for the program came just five weeks ago, at a leadership training meeting, as the workers discussed how many patients are struggling, Puente said. "It was my idea," he said. "I floated it, and the reception it got was so dramatic that it very quickly became our idea." Colleagues suggested employees could donate to a fund to help support the effort, Puente said. He said some employees had tears in their eyes when discussing how they could help people who had lost jobs. He said he urged top management to approve the program, presenting a recent Associated Press article about how newly uninsured diabetics are suffering serious complications because they can no longer afford the medicines and testing supplies. Approval came quickly. The 70-plus drugs covered include several diabetes drugs and some of Pfizer's top money makers, from cholesterol fighter Lipitor and painkiller Celebrex to fibromyalgia treatment Lyrica and Viagra for impotence. The list includes drugs from several other popular classes, including antibiotics, antidepressants, antifungal treatments, several heart drugs, contraceptives and smoking cessation products. Cheaper generic versions are available for quite a few of the drugs. Pfizer said that from 2004 through 2008, its patient assistance programs helped 5.1 million people get 51 million Pfizer prescriptions for free or at reduced cost, with a total value of $4.8 billion.
READ MORE - Free Lipitor, Viagra, other drugs for jobless (AP)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Polish priest advocates happy sex life in new book (AP)

By RYAN LUCAS, Associated Press Writer Ryan Lucas, Associated Press Writer – Wed May 13, 10:26 am ET WARSAW, Poland – The Rev. Ksawery Knotz has a message for all married Catholic couples out there: there's nothing wrong with a steamy sex life. In fact, it's a good thing. In his new book "Sex as you don't know it: For married couples who love God," the Polish friar provides a theological and practical guide for Catholics that has little in common with the strait-laced attitudes often associated with the Roman Catholic Church. "Some people, when they hear about the holiness of married sex, immediately imagine that such sex has to be deprived of joy, frivolous play, fantasy and attractive positions," Knotz writes. "(They think) it has to be sad like a traditional church hymn." But Knotz, a Franciscan friar from a monastery outside Krakow in southern Poland, wants to change all that. His book aims to sweep away the taboos and assure Catholic couples that good sex is part of a good marriage. "The most important message is that sexuality does not deviate at all from religiousness and the Catholic faith, and that we can connect spirituality and a search for God with a happy sex life," Knotz told The Associated Press by telephone. Much of the book stems from questions that Knotz encountered while counseling married couples. "I talk with a lot of married couples and I listen to them, so these problems just kind of sit in my mind," he said. "I would like for them to be happier with their sex life, and for them to understand the Church's teachings so there won't be unnecessary tension or a sense of guilt." Clergymen, including Knotz's countryman Pope John Paul II and his successor Pope Benedict XVI, have written about the ethics of love, marriage and sexuality before, and laymen have penned steamy sex guides for married Catholic couples. But few if any priests have taken Knotz's explicit approach to sex — including everything from the theological to the practical, from oral sex to contraception and the number of children a Catholic couple should have. "Every act — a type of caress, a sexual position — with the goal of arousal is permitted and pleases God," Knotz writes. "During sexual intercourse, married couples can show their love in every way, can offer one another the most sought after caresses. They can employ manual and oral stimulation." The book falls squarely within the commonly held view of the Church's teaching on sex: Knotz discourages the use of condoms or birth control pills, and says they "lead a married couple outside of Catholic culture and into a completely different lifestyle." But some Poles have been surprised by the overriding message of the book: sex is an important way for a man and wife to express their love and grow closer to God. "Married couples celebrate their sacrament, their life with Christ also during sex," Knotz writes. "Calling sex a celebration of the marriage sacrament raises its dignity in an exceptional way. Such a statement shocks people who learned to look at sexuality in a bad way. It is difficult for them to understand that God is also interested in their happy sex life and in this way gives them his gift." The book received the necessary approval from Poland's church authorities that it is theologically in line with Catholic teachings. There also has been no sign of a backlash in the heavily Catholic and conservative homeland of the late Pope John Paul II. Still, Knotz acknowledges that a priest writing a book about sex "is in and of itself a bit of a sensation." The book hit stores across Poland last month. The Sw. Pawel publishing house has ordered a reprint after readers quickly snapped up the first 5,000 copies. The publisher said it is in talks about possible English, Italian and Slovakian translations of the Polish-language book.
READ MORE - Polish priest advocates happy sex life in new book (AP)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Statins Guard Against Prostate Cancer (HealthDay)

By Steven ReinbergHealthDay Reporter by Steven Reinberghealthday Reporter – 1 hr 57 mins ago SUNDAY, April 26 (HealthDay News) --Several new studies suggest statins help prevent prostate cancer and reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction. "At this point in time, there seems to be mounting evidence that there may be a future role for statins in prostate cancer treatment or prostate cancer prevention," said Dr. Lionel L. Banez, from the Division of Urologic Surgery and Duke Prostate Center at Duke University Medical Center and lead author of one study. "There will definitely be more men taking statins for cardiovascular reasons, and this is a great opportunity for us to see how many of these men develop prostate cancer and whether these prostate cancers are aggressive." All the reports were to be presented Sunday at the American Urological Association's annual meeting, in Chicago. One study found that men who were taking statins before undergoing surgical removal of their prostate had a lower risk of having the cancer return. "The use of statins at the time of surgery was associated with a 30 percent reduction in the risk of recurrence of prostate cancer," said lead researcher Dr. Robert J. Hamilton, a urology resident at the University of Toronto Medical Center in Ontario, Canada. Hamilton thinks that the anti-inflammatory properties of statins may explain the finding. However, it might also be the ability of these drugs to lower cholesterol that has an effect on cancer cells, he said. Although these results are promising, Hamilton is cautious about recommending that men should take statins to reduce the risk of recurrent prostate cancer. "At this point, we cannot with confidence say that that's true," he stressed. There are also several unanswered questions, including the optimal dose, the length of time one needs to be taking statins to achieve a benefit, and whether starting statin therapy after surgery would have the same effect. "Although the results of these studies are exciting, they need to be confirmed," he said. Another study focused on inflammation inside prostate cancer tumors. "We looked at the association between statin use and prostate tumor inflammation," Banez said. "We found that men who were using statins prior to surgery had a significantly lower risk for inflammation within their prostate tumor," Banez said. In fact, men taking statins had a 72 percent reduction in the risk for inflammation of the prostate tumor. The researchers also found that obesity appears to be associated with increased inflammation and more aggressive prostate cancer. In a third report, researchers led by Dr. Stacy Loeb, from Johns Hopkins University, found statins may help in reducing the aggressiveness of prostate cancer. "Our results suggest that the use of statins may be associated with more favorable pathological features at radical prostatectomy," the researchers said in a statement. In a fourth report, researchers led by Dr. Rodney H. Breau from the Mayo Clinic found that statins were associated with a lower risk of developing prostate cancer. Among 75 men taking statins who had biopsies, 30 tested positive for prostate cancer, the researchers found. "In recent years, it has been suggested that statin medications may prevent development of cancer. However, until now, there has been limited evidence to support this theory," Breau said in a statement. "Our research provides evidence that statin use is associated with a threefold reduced risk of being diagnosed with prostate cancer." There may come a time when people will be taking statins to treat or prevent prostate cancer, Hamilton noted. "If these studies keep rolling in suggesting that there is something there with prostate cancer, then the use of statins could go up," he said. In a fifth study, Mayo Clinic researchers found that statins and/or with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) resulted in fewer lower urinary tract symptoms related to an enlarged prostate. The researchers found that statin users were 63 percent less likely to develop lower urinary tract problems and 57 percent less likely to develop an enlarged prostate. "Statins have been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects, and previous research suggests inflammation may be associated with benign prostate disease," lead researcher Dr. Jennifer L. St. Sauver said in a statement. "This study suggests that men's urinary health could be improved by taking statin medications." In another report from Mayo Clinic researchers, older men taking statins over an extended period had a lower risk of developing erectile dysfunction (ED). Statins were associated with a decreased risk of ED among men older than 60. Moreover, men who took statins for a longer time were less likely to develop ED. For example, men taking statins for nine years or more were 64 percent less likely to develop ED. Men who took statins for less than three years had about the same risk of developing ED as men who did not take statins, the researchers found. "Protection of vascular health remains an important concomitant of preserving erectile health. Our data suggest that longer use of statins may result in the lowest risk of erectile dysfunction," study author Dr. Ajay Nehra said in a statement. More information For more on prostate cancer, visit the American Cancer Society.
READ MORE - Statins Guard Against Prostate Cancer (HealthDay)

Friday, April 17, 2009

Woody Allen says American Apparel is harassing him (AP)

By LARRY NEUMEISTER, Associated Press Writer Larry Neumeister, Associated Press Writer – Wed Apr 15, 7:44 pm ET NEW YORK – Actor-director Woody Allen has fired back against American Apparel's effort to drag his personal life into a civil court case, saying the clothing company is harassing him. Lawyers for the 73-year-old Allen filed new legal papers in federal court in Manhattan on Wednesday. The papers say American Apparel isn't playing fair by trying to expose his family life, personal finances and career. They say it's a "scorched earth" approach. Los Angeles-based American Apparel was put on the defensive after Allen sued the company last year for putting his image on its billboards in Hollywood and New York and on a Web site. A trial is scheduled to begin next month. THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below. NEW YORK (AP) — A clothing company known for its racy ads is fighting a $10 million lawsuit brought by Woody Allen, arguing that it can't have damaged his reputation by using his image because the film director has already ruined it himself. The 73-year-old Allen started the fight against American Apparel Inc. when he sued the company last year for using his image on the company's billboards in Hollywood and New York and on a Web site. Allen, who does not endorse products in the United States, said he had not authorized the displays, which the Los Angeles-based company said were up for only a week. Now the company plans to make Allen's relationships to actress Mia Farrow and her adopted daughter Soon-Yi Previn the focus of a trial scheduled to begin in federal court in Manhattan on May 18, according to the company's lawyer, Stuart Slotnick. "Woody Allen expects $10 million for use of his image on billboards that were up and down in less than one week. I think Woody Allen overestimates the value of his image," Slotnick said. "Certainly, our belief is that after the various sex scandals that Woody Allen has been associated with, corporate America's desire to have Woody Allen endorse their product is not what he may believe it is." One billboard featured a frame from "Annie Hall," a film that won Allen a best-director Oscar. The image showed Allen dressed as a Hasidic Jew with a long beard and black hat and Yiddish text. The words "American Apparel" also were on the billboard. Allen's lawsuit said the billboard falsely implied that Allen sponsored, endorsed or was associated with American Apparel. Slotnick said it was not a cheap shot to bring up Allen's sex life in a lawsuit over the billboard and Internet ads. "It's certainly relevant in assessing the value of an endorsement," he said, noting that Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps lost endorsement power after a photograph surfaced of him using marijuana. Farrow starred in several of Allen's movies during a relationship with the director that ended in 1992, when she discovered he was having an affair with her oldest adopted daughter, then 22. Allen married Soon-Yi Previn in 1997. During a bitter custody fight, Farrow accused Allen of sexually abusing their adopted daughter Dylan, 7. Allen was exonerated of the abuse charges, but Farrow won sole custody of the children. Leslee Dart, a spokeswoman for Allen, said Friday that she does not believe Allen wants to comment on the litigation at this point. American Apparel is known for its provocative ads of scantily dressed young models in tight-fitting and sometimes see-through garments. Allen testified at a December deposition that he considered the company's advertising to be "sleazy" and "infantile." Lawyers for American Apparel have complained that Allen has refused to turn over much of the information they have demanded to prepare for trial. Among their demands were documents concerning any endorsement requests that were withdrawn after the sex scandal with Farrow and Previn became public. The documents defined sex scandal as "your relationship with Soon-Yi Previn including the discovery ... (of) nude pictures you took of Soon-Yi Previn." The lawyers also requested documents concerning Allen's public image and reputation, including his contention during his deposition that he was a "special kind of entity" or a "special taste." Allen's attorneys said the request for documents related to the sex scandal and custody battle were "vexatious, oppressive, harassing" and not relevant. Slotnick said he could not discuss whether there were any settlement talks under way but he hinted that the company may be open to avoiding a trial. "All I can say is that the company has apologized for the use of Mr. Allen's image, however brief. And the company apologized if they offended Mr. Allen's sensibilities," he said.
READ MORE - Woody Allen says American Apparel is harassing him (AP)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Health advocates tout new model of female condom (AP)

By DAVID CRARY, AP National Writer David Crary, Ap National Writer – 28 mins ago NEW YORK – Advocates of the female condom are promoting a less costly, more user-friendly version that they hope will vastly expand its role in the global fight against AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. An early version of the female condom was introduced in 1993, and it remains the only available woman-initiated form of protection against both STDs and unintended pregnancy. Yet despite global promotion by the United Nations and other organizations, its usage is still minuscule, even as women bear an ever-growing share of the AIDS epidemic. Advocates hope the dynamics will change following last month's approval by the Food and Drug Administration of the FC2, a new version of the female condom produced by the Chicago-based Female Health Co. About 35 million female condoms were distributed worldwide last year, but that compares to more than 10 billion male condoms, which are far cheaper and, at least initially, easier to use. However, in some nations with high HIV rates, many men refuse to wear condoms, putting women at risk. Though it looks similar to its predecessor — a soft, transparent sheath with flexible inner and outer rings — the FC2 is made from synthetic rubber rather than polyurethane, making it cheaper to produce. Mary Ann Leeper, former president of Female Health Co. and now its strategic adviser, said the FC2 also is less noisy during use. Complaints about squeaky noises were among the factors that slowed acceptance of the original version. The cost of the FC2 is one-third less than its predecessor, and may go lower, enabling health organizations to distribute many millions more than at present. For now, the price is about 60 cents compared to less than 4 cents for mass-distributed male condoms — a difference that's an issue in the developing world. The FC2 had been accepted previously by some international organizations, and the Female Health Co. distributed 14 million of them abroad last year along with 21 million of the older version. Advocates of the female condom praised the FDA announcement because it opens the door for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), one of the largest global providers of condoms, to distribute the FC2 overseas. "This is a tremendous victory," said Susie Hoffman, an assistant professor of clinical epidemiology at Columbia University who contends the female condom has suffered from misconceptions. "In the United States, there has been strong bias against it," Hoffman said. "Some people involved in AIDS and family planning would say, 'Why do we need these? ... It's so weird that women are not going to pick it up.'" "But if presented in the right way, many women do like it," Hoffman said. "To find these people and help them and train them, you need systematic programming, which costs money." Resistance is less of a problem in some developing nations. The U.N. Population Fund, government agencies and nonprofits are aggressively promoting female condoms in places such as Brazil, Ghana, Zimbabwe and South Africa. Women's groups in Zimbabwe collected more than 30,000 signatures demanding access to the female condom. In Ghana, nonprofits say more than 10,000 people have attended training programs that teach women how to insert female condoms — they require careful instruction to be used properly — and how to negotiate with their male partners. "The mindset is changing, but there are still a lot of challenges," said Bidia Deperthes, the Population Fund's HIV technical adviser for condoms. "Accessibility is still minimal. There's a huge demand, and we're not meeting it." Deperthes hopes that with FDA approval of the FC2, the number of female condoms distributed globally could climb to 50 million this year. If the numbers keep rising, she said, the cost to public-sector distributors for each FC2 could drop as low as 25 cents. Jeff Spieler, a science adviser with USAID's Office of Population and Reproductive Health, said the female condom's future may depend on whether its promoters can develop a private-sector market. Its commercial price in the United States generally has been more than $2. Another challenge is a stigma associated with the female condom in some places because prostitutes are among those deemed to benefit most from using it. On the other hand, advocates of the female condom say it has invaluable safe-sex potential for married women whose husbands are unfaithful and shun male condoms. Serra Sippel, executive director of the Center for Health and Gender Equity in Washington, said FDA approval of the FC2 is a key step toward "putting the power of prevention in women's hands." But she bemoaned the product's limited over-the-counter availability. "We'd love to see the profile raised, to have commercials about it and normalize it so people aren't embarrassed," she said. Mary Ann Leeper said the Female Health Co. is seeking a corporate partner to help market the FC2. She suggested that concern about HIV/AIDS may generate interest among women in communities with high infection rates. The female condom's advocates stress that it will never be the "magic bullet" that by itself turns the tide in fighting AIDS. But, they say, it should be a bigger part of the arsenal. "It's not going to be the one answer," Hoffman said. "But it's got a lot more to contribute than it has to date." ___ U.N. Population Fund: Female Health Co.
READ MORE - Health advocates tout new model of female condom (AP)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

American Apparel slams Woody Allen's sex life (AP)

By LARRY NEUMEISTER, Associated Press Writer Larry Neumeister, Associated Press Writer – Wed Apr 15, 10:34 am ET NEW YORK – A clothing company known for its racy ads is fighting a $10 million lawsuit brought by Woody Allen, arguing that it can't have damaged his reputation by using his image because the film director has already ruined it himself. The 73-year-old Allen started the fight against American Apparel Inc. when he sued the company last year for using his image on the company's billboards in Hollywood and New York and on a Web site. Allen, who does not endorse products in the United States, said he had not authorized the displays, which the Los Angeles-based company said were up for only a week. Now the company plans to make Allen's relationships to actress Mia Farrow and her adopted daughter Soon-Yi Previn the focus of a trial scheduled to begin in federal court in Manhattan on May 18, according to the company's lawyer, Stuart Slotnick. "Woody Allen expects $10 million for use of his image on billboards that were up and down in less than one week. I think Woody Allen overestimates the value of his image," Slotnick said. "Certainly, our belief is that after the various sex scandals that Woody Allen has been associated with, corporate America's desire to have Woody Allen endorse their product is not what he may believe it is." One billboard featured a frame from "Annie Hall," a film that won Allen a best-director Oscar. The image showed Allen dressed as a Hasidic Jew with a long beard and black hat and Yiddish text. The words "American Apparel" also were on the billboard. Allen's lawsuit said the billboard falsely implied that Allen sponsored, endorsed or was associated with American Apparel. Slotnick said it was not a cheap shot to bring up Allen's sex life in a lawsuit over the billboard and Internet ads. "It's certainly relevant in assessing the value of an endorsement," he said, noting that Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps lost endorsement power after a photograph surfaced of him using marijuana. Farrow starred in several of Allen's movies during a relationship with the director that ended in 1992, when she discovered he was having an affair with her oldest adopted daughter, then 22. Allen married Soon-Yi Previn in 1997. During a bitter custody fight, Farrow accused Allen of sexually abusing their adopted daughter Dylan, 7. Allen was exonerated of the abuse charges, but Farrow won sole custody of the children. Leslee Dart, a spokeswoman for Allen, said Friday that she does not believe Allen wants to comment on the litigation at this point. American Apparel is known for its provocative ads of scantily dressed young models in tight-fitting and sometimes see-through garments. Allen testified at a December deposition that he considered the company's advertising to be "sleazy" and "infantile." Lawyers for American Apparel have complained that Allen has refused to turn over much of the information they have demanded to prepare for trial. Among their demands were documents concerning any endorsement requests that were withdrawn after the sex scandal with Farrow and Previn became public. The documents defined sex scandal as "your relationship with Soon-Yi Previn including the discovery ... (of) nude pictures you took of Soon-Yi Previn." The lawyers also requested documents concerning Allen's public image and reputation, including his contention during his deposition that he was a "special kind of entity" or a "special taste." Allen's attorneys said the request for documents related to the sex scandal and custody battle were "vexatious, oppressive, harassing" and not relevant. Slotnick said he could not discuss whether there were any settlement talks under way but he hinted that the company may be open to avoiding a trial. "All I can say is that the company has apologized for the use of Mr. Allen's image, however brief. And the company apologized if they offended Mr. Allen's sensibilities," he said.
READ MORE - American Apparel slams Woody Allen's sex life (AP)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Viagra not harmful to vision: study (AFP)

Tue Apr 14, 11:38 am ET WASHINGTON (AFP) – Treatments for erectile dysfunction such as the hugely popular drug Viagra do not appear to pose long-term damage to men's sight, a new study has shown. Doctors had been concerned that Viagra, and its competitor drug sold in the United States as Cialis, might prove harmful after some men reported blurred and blue-tinged vision. The two drugs accounted for a billion dollars in sales in 2008. But the six-month study published Monday and funded by pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly, the makers of Cialis, showed no side effects on sight, according to the results published in the April issue of Archives of Ophthalmology. The drugs treat erectile dysfunction by blocking an enzyme in the blood flowing to the penis, and there had been fears they could also act on similar compounds in the retina in the eye that receives and transmits images. A total of 244 healthy men, some with mild erectile dysfunction, aged 30 to 65 took part in the study. Some 85 took five milligrams of Cialis daily, 77 took 50 milligrams of Viagra manufactured by Pfizer and 82 were given a placebo. Among the 194 men who completed the study and eye examinations no significant differences were found in vision between those taking the drugs and the placebo groups. "Our results indicate that there is no cumulative damage or effect of clinical significance for either 5 milligrams of tadalafil (Cialis) or 50 milligrams of sildenafil (Viagra) taken daily for six months," the report noted.
READ MORE - Viagra not harmful to vision: study (AFP)